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  1. hacxx

    Mega Combo Pack November 2021 - Free Download

    Extracted with Hacxx Fast Combo Grabber v2.8 (SUPRA Edition) Download 1: http://q.gs/19214853/mega-combo-pack-november-2021 http://gestyy.com/epKWZ3 http://bc.vc/YkGrysv https://oke.io/adEewAP Download 2: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/B93631A2AE.html...
  2. hacxx

    Got paid - Peer2Profit

    Turn your computer into a proxy and make money now. Visit and download: (Minimum payout: $7) https://bit.ly/Peer2Profit
  3. hacxx

    Got Paid - BestChange

    Visit and start earning: https://www.bestchange.com/?p=936130 Even if you do not need to exchange anything right now, just add this site to your bookmarks.
  4. hacxx

    Mega Config Pack March 2021 (OpenBullet, BlackBullet, Storm, Sentry MBA, SilverBullet)

    The configs available in the rar file was extracted with Hacxx Configs v1.9 (Full Version) To buy the script, pm me... Note: This archive has configs for OpenBullet, BlackBullet, Storm, Sentry MBA and SilverBullet. It's a bit of hard work to collect this configs so if nobody buys the program...
  5. hacxx

    Bitly Database leaked May 2014 - Free Download

    In May 2014, the link management company Bitly announced they'd suffered a data breach. The breach contains over 9.3 million unique email addresses, usernames and hashed passwords, most using SHA1 with a small number using bcrypt. Warning: Bitly uses Two Factor Authentication on the user login...
  6. hacxx

    Windows Email Finder V1 - Free Download

    Download 1: http://q.gs/19214853/windows-email-finder-v1 http://gestyy.com/epPMum http://bc.vc/wMxKU4F https://oke.io/qZsFzc Download 2: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/2A15F62FAB.html https://oxy.st/d/BRwe https://rapidgator.net/file/9ac12060ce67de1f1cefd4ef38d3201a...
  7. hacxx

    PowerShell 'Download & Execute' Code Generator - Free Download

    Generate code for PowerShell to download & execute files. Currently undetected... Download 1: http://q.gs/19214853/powershell-download-generator http://gestyy.com/epO2q6 http://bc.vc/CI4FMHL https://oke.io/zkW4nj9 Download 2: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/593BBD896D.html...
  8. hacxx

    Hacxx IPTV Azerbaijan - Get Access to 33 Publicly Available Azerbaijan Channels

    Watch Online: (Open this link with VLC Player) https://bit.ly/hacxx-iptv-azerbaijan How to use? 1 - Download and install VLC Player 2 - Open the link above as a stream VLC Player is compatible with almost any device connected to the internet PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Smart TVs, etc...
  9. hacxx

    Guns.com Database Leaked March of 2021 - Free Download

    In December of 2020 the site Guns.com suffered a data breach. The database start circulating in multiple hacking forums on 15 of March 2021 at 3:11:48 PM after one darknet forum user publish it for sale for just $2. Not much information is available only that it is 800 MB compressed. Note...
  10. hacxx

    Atspace.com database leaked 19 April 2021 - Free Download

    In 19 April of 2021 the web hosting site Atspace.com operate by AttractSoft GmbH suffered a data breach. The data breach exposed their customers info. The leaked details include ip, email and password. Note: This leak only include email and password. Download 1...
  11. hacxx

    IE Autorun Exploit Generator 2 - Free Download

    Remotely execute files on next boot by opening this script with Internet Explorer! Must be execute from a http server. Download: https://mods2share.com/2Sw/IE_Autorun_Exploit_Generator_2.rar https://nitro.download/view/BB6902AE439FE6B/IE_Autorun_Exploit_Generator_2.rar...
  12. hacxx

    Mixed Combos targeting @live.be

    Download: https://oxy.name/d/Lhve http://gigapeta.com/dl/9945107a7f220a https://mods2share.com/M5/[email protected]
  13. hacxx

    CoinMarketCap.com Crypto Database Leaked October 2021 - Free Download

    During October 2021, 3.1 million email addresses with accounts on the cryptocurrency market capitalisation website CoinMarketCap were discovered being traded on hacking forums. Whilst the email addresses were found to correlate with CoinMarketCap accounts, it's unclear precisely how they were...
  14. hacxx

    Selling my list of blogs (to spam) cheap - Acquire now

    You get (All-in-One): - All the blogs below including admin access - App to individually post in each blog - Autoposter app to post in all blogs - Fresh content (If you need for a extra) Price: $150, negociable. Part 1: https://endgoal452949.wordpress.com/ https://hacks508296167.wordpress.com/...
  15. hacxx

    Annoying Popups Exploit - A browser exploit that open multiple windows

    Compatibility: Tested with Internet Explorer 11 and it works, so compatible with all versions of IE until version 11. On Chrome 73 it doesn't work but may work with older versions. Download: https://nitro.download/view/CAA74DA5611AD33/Annoying_Popups_Exploit.zip Virustotal: The file is in...
  16. hacxx

    Hacxx Underground - Cryptocurrency Table 4

    New coin Bounce Token (AUCTION) Earn $3 in Bounce Token (AUCTION) for free... Bounce Token (AUCTION) - https://coinbase.com/earn/bounce-token/lesson/1?type=story Don't have a Coinbase account, register here https://bit.ly/Coinbase_Account_Free
  17. hacxx

    Malware Obfuscator for HTML/JS

    Preview test:
  18. hacxx

    Malware Obfuscator for HTML/JS

    Malware Obfuscator for HTML/JS converts already detected html/js code into base64 URIs making it undetected once again without losing the malware functionality. Download 1: http://q.gs/19214853/malware-obfuscator http://gestyy.com/epYhQA http://bc.vc/72AClJL https://oke.io/uUFDA Download 2...
  19. hacxx

    Firewall Blocker for Windows V3 - Block malicious EXEs from accessing the net

    Firewall Blocker for Windows blocks any exe from accessing the internet on Windows. To block just select block and write the exe name and full path. Firewall Blocker for Windows is a mitigation tool and with it the user no longer need to worry about the latest security patch as if the system is...
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Hack Forum
Hacktivizm, 2020 yılında kurulmuş bir siber güvenlik forum sitesidir aynı zamanda hack forumu,hack sitesi,hack forum ve Türk hack forumudur. Hack forum aramalarında ilk sayfada olan bu hack forum sitesi gün geçtikçe gelişmektedir. Hack Forum kelimesinin anlamı ise, hacker kültürü ve bilgisayar güvenliği ile ilgili tartışmalara adanmış bir İnternet forumudur. Web sitesi, analiz şirketi Alexa Internet tarafından web trafiği açısından "Hacking" kategorisinde bir numaralı web sitesi olarak yer almaktadır.

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