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Best paying short url services for 2021 - Updated: 25/07/2021


Uzman Üye
1 Temmuz 2021
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek
Here is a list of the best paying short url services for 2021. They all pay using different payment processors but it's a bit hard to make money with them.

The idea of this list is give a good start to beginners...

Adfly - https://join-adf.ly/19214853
Shorte.st - http://join-shortest.com/pt/ref/34941e450e
BCVC - https://bc.vc/?r=244724
Pubiza - https://pubiza.com/?r=221997
Oke - http://oke.io/ref/hacxx
Fastli - http://fas.li/r/10153
Ally - http://bit.ly/2NAsL7f
Shink Me - http://bit.ly/Shink_Me
Pay Short URL - http://bit.ly/2T4ZNMl
Clk.sh - http://bit.ly/2RO9SRr
DLSLink - https://dlslink.com/Account/Ref?id=MGYxN2Nm
Sharem.Tech - https://sharem.tech/r/user273df3fa

Tmearn - https://tmearn.com/ref/hacxx
Cut Paid - http://bit.ly/2Tfhnxr
Cut Win - http://bit.ly/2RLI6og
Zap In - http://zap.in
SafelinkU - https://safelinku.com/ref/hacxx
Skip li - http://bit.ly/2DumR1z
Met.bz - http://bit.ly/2RO10uP
Cut Urls - http://bit.ly/2x35662
Binbox - http://bit.ly/2FS58Tk
Short lá - https://short.la/ref/hacxx
Short Fly - http://bit.ly/2E1COwH
WoW Short - http://bit.ly/2BuYa3U
DZ4Link - http://bit.ly/2Gz6CCk
Earn from me - http://bit.ly/2tdPytL
TAB Short - http://bit.ly/2UOuXbl
Short Network - http://bit.ly/2thwfQu
123 Short - http://bit.ly/2MZYCvf
Wolf Short - http://bit.ly/2BtQnDo
Paid Short - http://bit.ly/2THN0Q6
Short URL - http://bit.ly/2GklHbO
DzEarn - http://bit.ly/2DvhcqO
Ice Cube Cool - http://bit.ly/2TQSkkc
Shorted4u - https://shorted4u.com/ref/hacxx
Glory-Link - https://glory-link.com/ref/hacxx
GPlinks - https://gplinks.in/ref/hacxx
Uiz.io - https://uiz.io/ref/hacxx
BuzzyPlus - https://buzzyplus.com/ref/hacxx
Geist Link - https://geistlink.com/ref/hacxx
CutURL.in - https://cuturl.in/ref/hacxx
x2.to - https://www.x2.to/ref/hacxx
AdflyFly - https://adflyfly.com/ref/hacxx
1ink - http://1inks.cc/?ref=1121137
FC.LC - https://fc.lc
Ex-foary - https://ex-foary.com
Cutpaid - https://cutpaid.com
MLY - https://mly.pw/ref/hacxx
EXE.IO - https://exe.io/ref/hacxx
TopShort - https://topshort.net/ref/hacxx
Z2i - https://z2i.com/ref/hacxx
Short Fly - https://www.short-fly.com/ref/hacxx
Lut Money - https://lutmoney.com/ref/hacxx
Short Ads - https://short-ads.com/ref/hacxx
Paid Short - https://paidshort.com/ref/hacxx
Short URL - https://shorturl.biz/ref/hacxx
Short ES - https://short.es/ref/hacxx
You Short - https://youshort.me/ref/hacxx
Paid4Links - https://paid4link.com/ref/hacxx
Get4Links - https://get4links.com/ref/hacxx
Ad Keeps - https://adkeeps.com/ref/hacxx
4Cash - https://4cash.me/ref/hacxx
Get.al - http://get.al/ref/hacxx
URL Web - https://urlweb.net/ref/hacxx
AdLinkClick - https://adlinkclick.com/ref/hacxx
iLang - https://ilang.in/ref/hacxx
Zee.gl - https://zee.gl/ref/hacxx
Link Vertise - https://linkvertise.net/ac/68451
Short-Ly - https://short-ly.net/ref/hacxx
Skip Short - https://skipshort.com/ref/hacxx
Cuts-URL - https://cuts-url.com/ref/hacxx
Earn Coin - https://earncoin.site/ref/hacxx
Ad Focus - http://adfoc.us/?refid=503233
Skip Link - https://skiplink.net/ref/hacxx
Short Linked - https://short-linked.com/ref/hacxx
GM Short - https://gmshort.top/ref/hacxx
Shlink - http://shlink.xyz/ref/hacxx
2d.su - https://2d.su/ref/hacxx
Shortlo - http://shortlo.com/ref/hacxx
TeamSplush - https://teamsplush.com/ref/hacxx
Sld One - https://sld.one/ref/hacxx
S-Short - https://s-short.co/ref/hacxx
Short Bits Free - https://shortbitsfree.net/ref/hacxx
Linkzo - https://linkzo.club/ref/hacxx
VK Links - https://vklinks.com/links/ref/hacxx
Teqany Tech - https://teqany-tech.online/ref/hacxx
Ez 4 Linkss - https://ez4linkss.com/ref/hacxx
Link Earnings - https://linkearnings.com/ref/hacxx
Xoli IR - https://xoli.ir/ref/hacxx
Click Paid - https://click-paid.com/ref/hacxx
Short Karoo - https://shortkaroo.com/ref/hacxx
Short LE - https://shortle.link/ref/hacxx
Dollars Clicks - https://dollarsclicks.com/ref/hacxx
Short Links - https://shortlinks.website/ref/hacxx
Shortneer - https://shortneer.com/ref/hacxx
Codester - https://url.codester.club/ref/hacxx
Paid Short Links - http://paidshortlinks.com/ref/hacxx
Earnz Fly - https://earnzfly.com/ref/hacxx
Bitcoinly - https://bitcoinly.in/ref/hacxx
Bux Clerk - https://buxclerk.com/ref/hacxx
Shorten.sh - https://shorten.sh/ref/hacxx
CatCut - http://catcut.net/ref.php?id=521539
Uii.io - https://uii.io/ref/hacxx
L1nk - https://l1nk.site/ref/hacxx
CutEarn - https://cutearn.net/ref/hacxx
ShrinkEarn - https://shrinkearn.com/ref/hacxxx
Adshrink - https://www.shrink-service.it/referral/NTkwNjk=
R7 UrlShort - http://7r6.com/ref/hacxx
Nerdy VN - https://nerdy.vn/ref/hacxx
MrLnk - https://mrlnk.com/?ref=KwAAAA
DropLink - https://droplink.co/ref/hacxx
Shrink.pe - https://shrink.pe/ref/hacxx
LeitUP - https://leitup.com/user/register?ref_id=932477
ShrtFly - https://shrtfly.com/ref/hacxx
Tny.so - https://tny.so/ref/hacxx
2ad - https://2ad.ir/ref/hacxx
Bitfly - https://bitfly.io/ref/hacxx

Free URL Shorteners:
Trim - http://tr.im
108game - https://m.108game.com
A.I.6 - https://ai6.net
CB.click - https://cb.click
Clck - https://clck.ru
U.TO - https://u.to                Gave a error
Gee - https://gee.su
Cuttly - https://cutt.ly
GG.GG - http://gg.gg
Bom - https://bom.to
HTS.io - https://hts.io
LinkZIP - https://linkzip.me
Dwnd - https://dwnld.net
ShortURL - http://shorturl.at
Shrink.Me - https://shrinke.me
ShadyURL - http://shadyurl.com

LinkTL - https://link.tl/?r=313899
Not a scammer, just rebranding under a new domain - Pubiza - https://pubiza.com?r=221997

ShortLinkNet - https://shortlinknet.com/ref/hacxx | https://adearn.net/ref/hacxx
Link Bucks - http://bit.ly/2MlmI1B
Shrink Service - http://bit.ly/2Dv7lma
Short-ADS - http://bit.ly/2SzHwtC
My Uploaded - https://myuploaded.com/ref/hacxx
Surls - https://surls.co/ref/hacxx
Cutly - https://cutly.net/ref/hacxx
Itiurl - https://itiurl.co/ref/hacxx
PasteCash - http://pastecash.com/ref/hacxx
AdSkipMe - https://adskipme.com/ref/hacxx


Uzman Üye
1 Temmuz 2021
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek


15 Şubat 2023
Tepkime puanı
403 Forbidden
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek
Here is a list of the best paying short url services for 2021. They all pay using different payment processors but it's a bit hard to make money with them.

The idea of this list is give a good start to beginners...

Adfly - https://join-adf.ly/19214853
Shorte.st - http://join-shortest.com/pt/ref/34941e450e
BCVC - https://bc.vc/?r=244724
Pubiza - https://pubiza.com/?r=221997
Oke - http://oke.io/ref/hacxx
Fastli - http://fas.li/r/10153
Ally - http://bit.ly/2NAsL7f
Shink Me - http://bit.ly/Shink_Me
Pay Short URL - http://bit.ly/2T4ZNMl
Clk.sh - http://bit.ly/2RO9SRr
DLSLink - https://dlslink.com/Account/Ref?id=MGYxN2Nm
Sharem.Tech - https://sharem.tech/r/user273df3fa

Tmearn - https://tmearn.com/ref/hacxx
Cut Paid - http://bit.ly/2Tfhnxr
Cut Win - http://bit.ly/2RLI6og
Zap In - http://zap.in
SafelinkU - https://safelinku.com/ref/hacxx
Skip li - http://bit.ly/2DumR1z
Met.bz - http://bit.ly/2RO10uP
Cut Urls - http://bit.ly/2x35662
Binbox - http://bit.ly/2FS58Tk
Short lá - https://short.la/ref/hacxx
Short Fly - http://bit.ly/2E1COwH
WoW Short - http://bit.ly/2BuYa3U
DZ4Link - http://bit.ly/2Gz6CCk
Earn from me - http://bit.ly/2tdPytL
TAB Short - http://bit.ly/2UOuXbl
Short Network - http://bit.ly/2thwfQu
123 Short - http://bit.ly/2MZYCvf
Wolf Short - http://bit.ly/2BtQnDo
Paid Short - http://bit.ly/2THN0Q6
Short URL - http://bit.ly/2GklHbO
DzEarn - http://bit.ly/2DvhcqO
Ice Cube Cool - http://bit.ly/2TQSkkc
Shorted4u - https://shorted4u.com/ref/hacxx
Glory-Link - https://glory-link.com/ref/hacxx
GPlinks - https://gplinks.in/ref/hacxx
Uiz.io - https://uiz.io/ref/hacxx
BuzzyPlus - https://buzzyplus.com/ref/hacxx
Geist Link - https://geistlink.com/ref/hacxx
CutURL.in - https://cuturl.in/ref/hacxx
x2.to - https://www.x2.to/ref/hacxx
AdflyFly - https://adflyfly.com/ref/hacxx
1ink - http://1inks.cc/?ref=1121137
FC.LC - https://fc.lc
Ex-foary - https://ex-foary.com
Cutpaid - https://cutpaid.com
MLY - https://mly.pw/ref/hacxx
EXE.IO - https://exe.io/ref/hacxx
TopShort - https://topshort.net/ref/hacxx
Z2i - https://z2i.com/ref/hacxx
Short Fly - https://www.short-fly.com/ref/hacxx
Lut Money - https://lutmoney.com/ref/hacxx
Short Ads - https://short-ads.com/ref/hacxx
Paid Short - https://paidshort.com/ref/hacxx
Short URL - https://shorturl.biz/ref/hacxx
Short ES - https://short.es/ref/hacxx
You Short - https://youshort.me/ref/hacxx
Paid4Links - https://paid4link.com/ref/hacxx
Get4Links - https://get4links.com/ref/hacxx
Ad Keeps - https://adkeeps.com/ref/hacxx
4Cash - https://4cash.me/ref/hacxx
Get.al - http://get.al/ref/hacxx
URL Web - https://urlweb.net/ref/hacxx
AdLinkClick - https://adlinkclick.com/ref/hacxx
iLang - https://ilang.in/ref/hacxx
Zee.gl - https://zee.gl/ref/hacxx
Link Vertise - https://linkvertise.net/ac/68451
Short-Ly - https://short-ly.net/ref/hacxx
Skip Short - https://skipshort.com/ref/hacxx
Cuts-URL - https://cuts-url.com/ref/hacxx
Earn Coin - https://earncoin.site/ref/hacxx
Ad Focus - http://adfoc.us/?refid=503233
Skip Link - https://skiplink.net/ref/hacxx
Short Linked - https://short-linked.com/ref/hacxx
GM Short - https://gmshort.top/ref/hacxx
Shlink - http://shlink.xyz/ref/hacxx
2d.su - https://2d.su/ref/hacxx
Shortlo - http://shortlo.com/ref/hacxx
TeamSplush - https://teamsplush.com/ref/hacxx
Sld One - https://sld.one/ref/hacxx
S-Short - https://s-short.co/ref/hacxx
Short Bits Free - https://shortbitsfree.net/ref/hacxx
Linkzo - https://linkzo.club/ref/hacxx
VK Links - https://vklinks.com/links/ref/hacxx
Teqany Tech - https://teqany-tech.online/ref/hacxx
Ez 4 Linkss - https://ez4linkss.com/ref/hacxx
Link Earnings - https://linkearnings.com/ref/hacxx
Xoli IR - https://xoli.ir/ref/hacxx
Click Paid - https://click-paid.com/ref/hacxx
Short Karoo - https://shortkaroo.com/ref/hacxx
Short LE - https://shortle.link/ref/hacxx
Dollars Clicks - https://dollarsclicks.com/ref/hacxx
Short Links - https://shortlinks.website/ref/hacxx
Shortneer - https://shortneer.com/ref/hacxx
Codester - https://url.codester.club/ref/hacxx
Paid Short Links - http://paidshortlinks.com/ref/hacxx
Earnz Fly - https://earnzfly.com/ref/hacxx
Bitcoinly - https://bitcoinly.in/ref/hacxx
Bux Clerk - https://buxclerk.com/ref/hacxx
Shorten.sh - https://shorten.sh/ref/hacxx
CatCut - http://catcut.net/ref.php?id=521539
Uii.io - https://uii.io/ref/hacxx
L1nk - https://l1nk.site/ref/hacxx
CutEarn - https://cutearn.net/ref/hacxx
ShrinkEarn - https://shrinkearn.com/ref/hacxxx
Adshrink - https://www.shrink-service.it/referral/NTkwNjk=
R7 UrlShort - http://7r6.com/ref/hacxx
Nerdy VN - https://nerdy.vn/ref/hacxx
MrLnk - https://mrlnk.com/?ref=KwAAAA
DropLink - https://droplink.co/ref/hacxx
Shrink.pe - https://shrink.pe/ref/hacxx
LeitUP - https://leitup.com/user/register?ref_id=932477
ShrtFly - https://shrtfly.com/ref/hacxx
Tny.so - https://tny.so/ref/hacxx
2ad - https://2ad.ir/ref/hacxx
Bitfly - https://bitfly.io/ref/hacxx

Free URL Shorteners:
Trim - http://tr.im
108game - https://m.108game.com
A.I.6 - https://ai6.net
CB.click - https://cb.click
Clck - https://clck.ru
U.TO - https://u.to                Gave a error
Gee - https://gee.su
Cuttly - https://cutt.ly
GG.GG - http://gg.gg
Bom - https://bom.to
HTS.io - https://hts.io
LinkZIP - https://linkzip.me
Dwnd - https://dwnld.net
ShortURL - http://shorturl.at
Shrink.Me - https://shrinke.me
ShadyURL - http://shadyurl.com

LinkTL - https://link.tl/?r=313899
Not a scammer, just rebranding under a new domain - Pubiza - https://pubiza.com?r=221997

ShortLinkNet - https://shortlinknet.com/ref/hacxx | https://adearn.net/ref/hacxx
Link Bucks - http://bit.ly/2MlmI1B
Shrink Service - http://bit.ly/2Dv7lma
Short-ADS - http://bit.ly/2SzHwtC
My Uploaded - https://myuploaded.com/ref/hacxx
Surls - https://surls.co/ref/hacxx
Cutly - https://cutly.net/ref/hacxx
Itiurl - https://itiurl.co/ref/hacxx
PasteCash - http://pastecash.com/ref/hacxx
AdSkipMe - https://adskipme.com/ref/hacxx
Thank you dude.

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