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[FOR BEGINNERS] How to crack any account with OpenBullet - Updated: 30/03/2021

  • Konbuyu başlatan hacxx
  • Başlangıç tarihi
  • Cevaplar : 1
  • Görüntüleme : 3K


Uzman Üye
1 Temmuz 2021
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek
The following is a step by step tutorial followed by gifs.
It also includes OpenBullet 1.0.0 and Configs.

Download OpenBullet 1.0.0

Download Configs

Step 1.
To begin with, you are going to need a ComboList.
You can get a free ComboList in the forum.

If you are new, please do not attempt to make your own ComboList. It's a waste of time.

Note: For this tutorial, we are cracking HULU accounts. We will need EMAIL:pass ComboList.

EMAIL:pASS : Mostly used for Spotify, Netflix, Deezer, Hulu, FitBit, Uplay, Origin and many more. (Websites that require EMAIL:pASS to log in.)
USER:pASS : Mostly used for Steam, Minecraft, Origin and many more. (Websites that require USER:pASS to log in.)
If you noticed, I listed Origin in both. Because some websites you can log in using both an EMAIL and a USERNAME.

Step 2.
We will need to use Proxies. We will be using ProxyScrape - HTTP Proxies (For HULU it doesn't matter what type of proxies you use.)


Step 3.
Now the fun begins!


Step 4.
In this step, we are going to add our ComboList

  • Select WordLists Tab
  • Click on ADD
  • Select your ComboList location
  • Select the type of your Combo. (MAIL:pASS or USER:pASS)
  • Accept


Step 5.
In this step, we are going to add the Proxies

  • Select the Proxies Tab
  • Click "Import"
  • Select your Proxies Location
  • Select your Proxies Type (We used HTTP in this tutorial).

Wait a few seconds for the proxy list to load.


Step 6.
  • Select Runner Tab
  • Click on New
  • Then Double Click on the Tab that pops up
  • Click on Select cfg (Config)
  • Select the desired Config of the accounts you are willing to crack (Used HULU in this example).
  • Select List ComboList)
  • Add your ComboList
  • Select Bots (Threads)number How fast do you want it to check accounts.) Based on the Config, you are using your Internet / CPU I wouldn't recommend going above a 100. If you have a bad CPU, unless you are using a good RDP.)
  • Since the Config we are using require proxies, select : Prox : ON
  • Then hit "Start" and watch it RAIN! If you didn't get any hits within the first 10k lines it means the quality of the combolist you are using is terrible. Just try a different one then.

Note: You can stop / close at any moment that you want. The results will be saved.


Step 7. (Optional)
You are able to crack multiple type of accounts on the same time. All you have to do is click on "Back". Click on "New" again and do the same thing as the previous step. I used Spotify on this example)


Step 8.
Checking Hits.

  • Select "Hits DB" Tab
  • Tada! Your Hits will pop up
  • If your config has a capture click on "Captured Data" to make it look more organized
  • To save Hits in a text document, right click > Select All > Saved Selected > Combos With Data


That's it!


19 Aralık 2020
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
ham radio
  1. Erkek
bu yabancılar yapıyor bu sporu a*k , thanks bro

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