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Top File Hosting Services for 2021 - Updated 03/07/2021

  • Konbuyu başlatan hacxx
  • Başlangıç tarihi
  • Cevaplar : 3
  • Görüntüleme : 4K


Uzman Üye
1 Temmuz 2021
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek
Updated: 03/07/2021

Nitroflare - http://bit.ly/nitroflarecom
FileFactory - http://bit.ly/2WuFM41
Rapidgator - https://bit.ly/rapidgatorcom
UploadGIG - https://uploadgig.com/premium/index/323338333036
Oxy.Cloud - https://app.oxy.cloud/invite/24711
Upload RAR - https://uploadrar.com/free11433.html
DDL.to - https://ddl.to/free2112.html
DDL.to - https://ddownload.com/free2112.html
Drop APK - https://dropapk.to/free37666.html
GigaPeta - http://bit.ly/2SkoxiC
Drop Download - https://drop.download/free37666.html

PPI (Pay Per Install)
PinapFile - http://bit.ly/pinap_installs
DFile - http://dfile.su
DFile - https://payperinst.com/?ref=34387

Gulf Up - https://www.gulf-up.com/free38847.html
Minimum payout: $1 by PayPal and pay less than a week. Not guarantied payouts.

Free (Not monetized):
Mediafire - https://mediafire.com
AnonFiles - https://anonfiles.com
AnonFile - https://anonfile.com
2Shared - https://www.2shared.com
4Shared - https://www.4shared.com
BayFiles - https://bayfiles.com
OneDrive - https://onedrive.live.com
Yandex Disk - https://yadi.sk
Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/
Dropbox - https://db.tt/U6TnWtb2
UbiqFile - http://ubiqfile.com
Sendspace - http://www.sendspace.com
DepositFiles - https://depositfiles.com
FT File Hosting - https://ftmbox.top
ComboBox FS - http://combobox.top
UploadGram - https://uploadgram.me/upload/
Ex-Load - https://ex-load.com <--- Monetization only by PPS
IT Impact Uploads - https://itimpact.com/files/
CryptBB File Sharing - http://cryptbbmgu4offops7nj676thvibogf2mokfv2vlmvnsrzdh5xtdvhqd.onion/
up2store - https://up2store.de/
Megaupload - https://megaupload.hosting/
FilesBox - https://filesbox.io/
CloudFuze - https://www.cloudfuze.com/
SendThisFile - https://www.sendthisfile.com/
DropMeFiles - https://dropmefiles.com.ua/
Volafile - https://volafile.org/
WDfiles - https://wdfiles.ru/
Wormhole - https://wormhole.app/
FilePizza - https://file.pizza/
Dosya Upload - http://www.dosyaupload.com/

FileLox - https://filelox.com/free234.html
Your Drive Box - https://youdbox.net/free89.html
DLShareFile - https://dlupload.com/ref?id=NzdhODA5MT
Filedot - https://filedot.xyz/free4659.html
UploadFiles - https://uploadfiles.io/?ref=36d4511
UploadFiles - https://ufile.io/?ref=36d4511
1fichier - http://bit.ly/1fichiercom
Bitster - https://bitster.cz
ClickNupload - https://clicknupload.org/free59595.html
Cloud Share - https://cloud-share.in/free57.html
Data - https://data.hu
Data FileHost - https://www.datafilehost.com
Free.fr - https://dl.free.fr
DosYa - https://dosya.tc
Easybytez - https://easybytez.com
eDisk - http://bit.ly/ediskcz
FileRIO - https://filerio.in
Uloz - https://www.uloz.to
4Shared UA - http://4shared.com.ua
XUP Filehoster - http://www.xup.in
Linx - https://linx.li
Android Host - https://androidhost.org
File2Host - https://f2h.io
Solidfiles - https://www.solidfiles.com
Hostr - https://hostr.co
DROP.me - https://drop.me
MountFile - https://mountfile.net
Load.to - https://www.load.to
TusFiles - http://tusfiles.com
Upstore - https://upstore.net
Hitfile - https://hitfile.net
TurboBit - http://turbobit.net
Wayupload - http://wayupload.com
Gofile - https://gofile.io
Uploadify - https://uploadify.net
Userscloud - https://userscloud.com/free2399985.html
DropMeFiles - https://dropmefiles.com
Superload - https://superload.cz/?r=qgxkb
Webshare - https://webshare.cz
UptoBox - https://uptobox.com/affiliate?aff_id=11567793
KatFile - http://katfile.com/free290307.html
Upload.EE - https://www.upload.ee
Files FM - https://files.fm
9xUpload - http://bit.ly/9xUpload
BayFiles - https://bayfiles.com
BDUpload - https://bdupload.asia
MegaUpload - https://megaupload.nz
FileBuzz - https://file.bz
File Town - https://file.town
DropFile - https://dropfile.nl
UploadRun - https://upload.run
Earn4Files - http://bit.ly/Earn4Files
NippySpace - https://nippyspace.com
Chomikuj.pl - http://chomikuj.pl
uloz.to - https://ulozto.net
Datoid - https://datoid.cz/?p=842336
Datator - http://www.datator.cz
Euro Share - https://euroshare.eu/r/94464726
IcerBox - https://icerbox.com
Fire Get - http://fireget.com
Europe UP - https://www.europeup.com/free10324.html
Indishare - https://www.indishare.org/free104010.html
IntoUpload - https://intoupload.net/free5498.html
MexaShare - https://mx-sh.net
MexaShare - http://mexashare.com
Fex - https://fex.net
Files.FM - https://files.fm/l/V7gMHuHPhwG5
NovaFile - https://novafile.com
MegaUp - https://megaup.net/
Filedd - http://www.filedd.com
FlorenFile - https://florenfile.com/free136843.html
FreeDisc - https://freedisc.pl/
WDupload - https://www.wdupload.com/ref/242npfc40
AlfaFile - http://alfafile.net/user/signup/ARwq
File.AL - https://file.al/free192101.html
Send Anywhere - https://send-anywhere.com
WeTransfer - https://wetransfer.com
Amazon Drive - https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive
FileTransfer - https://filetransfer.io
SendGB - https://www.sendgb.com
Teknik - https://upload.teknik.io/
File Dropper - https://www.filedropper.com/
Tresorit Send - https://send.tresorit.com/
Hey Ants - https://www.heyants.com/
Uschovna - https://www.uschovna.cz/en/
CommonClip - https://commonclip.com/
Send Secure - https://sendsecure.io/
RapidRAR - https://rapidrar.com/
Texzfiles - https://tezfiles.com/
RapidU - https://rapidu.net/ref/8431459478/
File Boom - http://fboom.me
File Boom - http://fileboom.me
Publish 2 - https://publish2.me
Hot Link - https://hotlink.cc/free190476.html
Upload Cloud - https://www.uploadcloud.pro
Openload.cc - https://openload.cc
WorkUpload - https://workupload.com
MegaUpload - https://megaupload.is
Lets Upload - https://letsupload.cc
ForumFiles - https://forumfiles.com
Up4Ever - https://www.up-4ever.org/free631351.html
DropFile NL - https://dropfile.nl
MyFile - https://myfile.is
Fuskbugg - https://fuskbugg.se
Minfil - https://minfil.com
SubyShare - https://subyshare.com
UploadHaven - https://uploadhaven.com
HugeSharing - https://hugesharing.net/free49127.html
TakeFile - https://takefile.link
PreFiles - https://prefiles.com
Upload AC - https://upload.ac/free45898.html
UP-Load - https://up-load.io/free2835.html
XenDrive - https://xendrive.ru/
SendFile - http://sendfile.su/
File-Mix - https://file-mix.com/register/2168
Upload42 - http://upload42.com
Ausfile - https://ausfile.com/free23934.html
FileSpace - http://filespace.com/free173542.html
Xubster - https://xubster.com/free83063.html
DropSend - https://www.dropsend.com
Saber Cat - https://sabercathost.com/?aff=61b198c15054e8c5
OpenDrive - https://www.opendrive.com
FileBTC - https://filebtc.com/free9.html
Anonymous Files - https://anonymousfiles.io
File Convoy - http://www.fileconvoy.com
Pubg-File - http://pubg-file.si
XFileLoads - https://www.xfileloads.com/free731.html
MyFiles Online - http://myfiles.onl/free9742.html
TStorage - http://tstorage.info/free9017.html
TDR Link - https://tdr.link/free4.html
My Store - http://mystore.to
Filestore - http://filestore.to
Cloud Mail.ru - https://cloud.mail.ru
UppIT - http://uppit.com
Sendit Cloud - https://sendit.cloud
UploadHive - http://uploadhive.com/free978.html
Files Bomb - http://filesbomb.in/free3607.html
FileLoad - http://fileload.info/free5472.html
Dosya Yukle - https://dosya.co
LongFiles - http://longfiles.com
DZ4Up - https://dz4up1.com
World Uploads - https://worlduploads.com/free1065.html
SpicyFile - http://spicyfile.com/free72608.html
Gofile - https://gofile.io
Ska4ay - http://ska4ay.com/user/register/?ref=374841
MixDrop - https://mixdrop.co
MixShared - http://mixshared.com/free16475.html
Easy File Cloud - https://easyfilecloud.com/free98.html
Upload Bank - http://uploadbank.com/
Userupload - https://userupload.in/free1901.html
Mega4up - https://mega4up.com/free2683.html
MagUp - https://magup.tk
Hexupload - http://hexupload.net/free668.html
vShare.io - https://vshare.io
CyberDrop - https://cyberdrop.me
xFiles - https://xfiles.io/free1884.html
Upload Earn - https://upload-earn.com/ref/hacxx
RockFile - https://rockfile.co/aff100025
XShare.Club - https://xshare.club/?aff=af80f3804ac2d32b
Uguu - https://uguu.se
Fshare - https://www.fshare.vn
Temp Ninja - https://tmp.ninja
UsersDrive - https://usersdrive.com/free38470.html
CloudOza - https://drive.cloudoza.me
Firefox Send - https://send.firefox.com
Happy-Team - http://upload.happy-team.org:8080/upserver/index.php
Sapo Transfer - https://transfer.sapo.pt
UploadServ - http://uploadserv.com/free2607.html
WIP Files - http://wipfiles.net/free74812.html
Wupfile - https://wupfile.com/free120352.html
Hishare - http://hishare.net/free1684.html
Down4Files - http://down4files.com/free1658.html
UP VBIran - http://up.vbiran.ir/
Easyload - https://easyload.io
GoLoady - https://www.goloady.com/ref/g11lxnnn4g7d
Files HQCombo - https://files.hqcombo.com/
HulkLoad - http://hulkload.com/free45248.html
FileFox - https://filefox.cc
FileJoker - https://filejoker.net
Keep2Share - https://k2s.cc
Keep2Share - http://keep2share.cc
UploadCenter - https://uploadcenter.com
HxFile - https://hxfile.co/free105.html
XenDrive - https://xendrive.ru
vShare - https://vshare.is
Filecad - https://www.filecad.com/?aff=3f1632034017cb9d
SendThisFile - https://www.sendthisfile.com
MailBigFile - https://free.mailbigfile.com
Daofile - https://daofile.com
FileCargo - http://filecargo.com
FastStore - https://faststore.org/free211652.html
InCloudDrive - https://www.inclouddrive.com
FilePup - http://www.filepup.net
OzoFiles - https://ozofiles.com/free6258.html
Worldbytez - https://worldbytez.com
EgyUpload - https://egyupload.com/free1736.html
Filetut - http://asmfile.com/free19337.html
DFile - https://dfile.space
RarLoad - http://rarload.com
RarLink - https://www.rarlink.com/free276.html
LetsUpload - https://letsupload.co
Forex Makers - http://www.forex-makers.com/uploader/index.php
Milordftp - http://www.milordftp.com.ar/sube/index.php
Upload Center - https://www.babup.com/
ZipFile - https://zipfile.cc/free1203.html
MiCloudFiles - http://micloudfiles.com/free2044.html
FileSharing24 - https://filesharing24.com
Box - https://www.box.com/file-sharing
ZipCloud - https://magup.tk/
Daily Uploads - https://dailyuploads.net/free123658.html
UpFile - https://upfile.co.il
Lil File - https://lilfile.com/
File4Net - https://www.file4.net/register?ref=9DY
Catbox - https://catbox.moe/
Dosya - https://dosya.pro
FileCloud - https://filecloud.me
Files.PW - https://files.pw/free39588.html
Uploading VN - https://uploading.vn/free142.html
FileAuth - https://fileauth.me
Sql.gg - https://sql.gg
ZipEver - https://zipever.com
Uplovd - https://uplovd.com
File Chick - http://filechick.com
Anon City - https://anon.city
Speed Down - https://speed-down.org/free17236.html
Send - https://send.cm
xFileSharing - https://xfilesharing.com
Uppom - http://uppom.live
Uptocloud - https://uptocloud.co/free455.html
MixDrop - http://mixdrop.to/
UploadHUB - https://uploadhub.io/free184.html
Pixel Drain - https://pixeldrain.com
WD Filehosting - https://wdho.ru
FileLeaks - https://fileleaks.com
PicoFile - http://picofile.com
UniBytes - http://www.unibytes.com
Filebin - https://filebin.net
Easyupload - https://easyupload.io/
FastDrive - https://fastdrive.io/
Nelion - https://nelion.me/free4372.html
NippyFile - https://nippyfile.com/
UploaDEV - https://uploadev.org/free5626.html
Treasure Cloud Storage - http://bit.ly/Treasure-cloud
FileUp - https://fileup.in
CloudFile - https://cloudfile.cc/free2369.html
FastBit.cc - https://fastbit.cc/
Booxier - https://booxier.com/free3.html
FastFile - https://fastfile.cc/free626.html
FileNetwork - http://filenetwork.com/free23.html
Google Drive - https://drive.google.com
FileRocker - https://filerocker.com/free2155.html
FileSuper - http://filesuper.com/free25245.html
Jolin File - http://jolinfile.net/free12697.html
SecureDatabit - https://www.securedatabit.com/free11.html
The7Sky - http://the7sky.info/free1199.html
UploadMaza - https://uploadmaza.com/free237.html
UploadMoon - https://uploadmoon.com/free412.html
XFileSharing - http://xomshare.com/free2.html
ZoFile - http://zofile.com/free834.html
Bashupload - https://bashupload.com
Transfer - http://transfer.sh
UploadBaz - https://uploadbaz.me/free7107.html
VeryFiles - https://veryfiles.com/free6431.html
FileEver - http://fileever.net/
XFileSharing - https://stablestore.org/free7.html
FlashBit - https://flashbit.cc/free3029.html
Desiupload - https://desiupload.co/free4544.html
ChiliUpload - https://chiliupload.com/free7.html
Hot4Share - https://hot4share.com/free1451.html
FilesABC - http://filesabc.com/free6.html
Filesona - https://filesona.com/free29.html
UploadBoy - https://uploadboy.com/free2716171.html
Files Rack - https://filesrack.com/free13.html
HareFile - http://harefile.com/free11198.html
IsUpload - http://isupload.com/free342.html
OnUploads - https://onuploads.com/free4195.html
RankUploads - https://rankuploads.com/
Upload 24x7 - https://upload24x7.com/free830.html
PandaFiles - https://pandafiles.com/free12167.html
Pron - http://pron.com/free1945.html
UploadRaja - https://uploadraja.com/free498.html
MultCloud - https://www.multcloud.com//inviteFriendsSign.html?inviteId=501c9154c5c548ae813cf41b11de52c7
WrzucajPliki - https://wrzucajpliki.pl/free17703.html
MaxUploads - https://maxuploads.net/free64.html
Wedos Disk - https://www.wedos.com/wedos-disk?ap=fmElpJ
pCloud - https://e.pcloud.com/#page=register&invite=9xNXZcRxG7y

ShareLink - http://www.sharelink.li/
Uploads are disabled for your user type

Uploaded.to - http://bit.ly/2FYwCYv
Uploaded.net - http://bit.ly/2FYwCYv
Service is paying but they throtle the connection which makes it almost impossible to download big files without paying.

Media1Fire - http://bit.ly/Media1Fire
404 page not found. The service is not online.

[SCAMMER] File-Up - http://bit.ly/File_Up
Minimum Payout $1. After admin made changes in the site and domain all profits were taken away and not paying. When the admin was paying, the payments got a long delay. Thanks.

[SCAMMER] FileTitle - https://filetitle.com/free1166.html / https://filezip.cc/free1166.html
100% scammer. The admin pump the stats with referral earnings to make users purchase premium. When the minimum is reach the accounts are suspended. 

SakuraFile - http://sakurafile.com/free39731.html
Uploads are disabled.

RapidShare - https://rapidshare.nu
Redirecting to anonfiles.com

UploadShip - https://www.uploadship.com/?aff=1c693803f99cab77
The service has been closed.

FileCloud - https://filecloud.to/
Registration disabled

UploadHub - https://uploadhub.ws/
Registration disabled

MTBox - https://www.mtbox.cc/
1x 404 Cloudflare is unable to connect to server.

My Sharing - https://mysharing.cc/
XFileSharing default template and require premium to upload.

Storex - https://storex.cc/
Unable to register, captcha is broken.

VipFile - https://vipfile.cc/
Uploads are disabled for your user type.

ChayFile - http://www.chayfile.com/
Unable to register, registration form doesn't exist.

AndroidFileHost - https://androidfilehost.com/
Unable to upload even after registering.

OBOOM - https://www.oboom.com
For some time showing Cloudflare error 522. Unable to connect.

ModsFile - http://modsfile.com/
Unable to register, captcha error.

Mega.nz - https://mega.nz/aff=T3ee3mdvwJc
The account was terminated due to a breach of MEGA's Terms of Service.

DropGalaxy - https://dropgalaxy.com/free3269.html
When the profit started rolling in my account was banned by administrator

BRupload - https://www.brupload.net/free66872.html / https://brfiles.com/
Wants a new account and took my existing profits.

Gett - https://ge.tt
404, DNS address could not be found.

RGhost - http://rgho.st
No longer a file hosting service.

BirdLoad - https://birdload.com
No longer a file hosting service.

TooFile - https://www.toofile.com/free91.html
The domain is parked.

Racaty - https://racaty.com/free89980.html
Error 522, Unable to connect to the server.


Uzman Üye
1 Temmuz 2021
Tepkime puanı
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek


15 Şubat 2023
Tepkime puanı
403 Forbidden
İlgi Alanlarınız
  1. Erkek
Updated: 03/07/2021

Nitroflare - http://bit.ly/nitroflarecom
FileFactory - http://bit.ly/2WuFM41
Rapidgator - https://bit.ly/rapidgatorcom
UploadGIG - https://uploadgig.com/premium/index/323338333036
Oxy.Cloud - https://app.oxy.cloud/invite/24711
Upload RAR - https://uploadrar.com/free11433.html
DDL.to - https://ddl.to/free2112.html
DDL.to - https://ddownload.com/free2112.html
Drop APK - https://dropapk.to/free37666.html
GigaPeta - http://bit.ly/2SkoxiC
Drop Download - https://drop.download/free37666.html

PPI (Pay Per Install)
PinapFile - http://bit.ly/pinap_installs
DFile - http://dfile.su
DFile - https://payperinst.com/?ref=34387

Gulf Up - https://www.gulf-up.com/free38847.html
Minimum payout: $1 by PayPal and pay less than a week. Not guarantied payouts.

Free (Not monetized):
Mediafire - https://mediafire.com
AnonFiles - https://anonfiles.com
AnonFile - https://anonfile.com
2Shared - https://www.2shared.com
4Shared - https://www.4shared.com
BayFiles - https://bayfiles.com
OneDrive - https://onedrive.live.com
Yandex Disk - https://yadi.sk
Dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/
Dropbox - https://db.tt/U6TnWtb2
UbiqFile - http://ubiqfile.com
Sendspace - http://www.sendspace.com
DepositFiles - https://depositfiles.com
FT File Hosting - https://ftmbox.top
ComboBox FS - http://combobox.top
UploadGram - https://uploadgram.me/upload/
Ex-Load - https://ex-load.com <--- Monetization only by PPS
IT Impact Uploads - https://itimpact.com/files/
CryptBB File Sharing - http://cryptbbmgu4offops7nj676thvibogf2mokfv2vlmvnsrzdh5xtdvhqd.onion/
up2store - https://up2store.de/
Megaupload - https://megaupload.hosting/
FilesBox - https://filesbox.io/
CloudFuze - https://www.cloudfuze.com/
SendThisFile - https://www.sendthisfile.com/
DropMeFiles - https://dropmefiles.com.ua/
Volafile - https://volafile.org/
WDfiles - https://wdfiles.ru/
Wormhole - https://wormhole.app/
FilePizza - https://file.pizza/
Dosya Upload - http://www.dosyaupload.com/

FileLox - https://filelox.com/free234.html
Your Drive Box - https://youdbox.net/free89.html
DLShareFile - https://dlupload.com/ref?id=NzdhODA5MT
Filedot - https://filedot.xyz/free4659.html
UploadFiles - https://uploadfiles.io/?ref=36d4511
UploadFiles - https://ufile.io/?ref=36d4511
1fichier - http://bit.ly/1fichiercom
Bitster - https://bitster.cz
ClickNupload - https://clicknupload.org/free59595.html
Cloud Share - https://cloud-share.in/free57.html
Data - https://data.hu
Data FileHost - https://www.datafilehost.com
Free.fr - https://dl.free.fr
DosYa - https://dosya.tc
Easybytez - https://easybytez.com
eDisk - http://bit.ly/ediskcz
FileRIO - https://filerio.in
Uloz - https://www.uloz.to
4Shared UA - http://4shared.com.ua
XUP Filehoster - http://www.xup.in
Linx - https://linx.li
Android Host - https://androidhost.org
File2Host - https://f2h.io
Solidfiles - https://www.solidfiles.com
Hostr - https://hostr.co
DROP.me - https://drop.me
MountFile - https://mountfile.net
Load.to - https://www.load.to
TusFiles - http://tusfiles.com
Upstore - https://upstore.net
Hitfile - https://hitfile.net
TurboBit - http://turbobit.net
Wayupload - http://wayupload.com
Gofile - https://gofile.io
Uploadify - https://uploadify.net
Userscloud - https://userscloud.com/free2399985.html
DropMeFiles - https://dropmefiles.com
Superload - https://superload.cz/?r=qgxkb
Webshare - https://webshare.cz
UptoBox - https://uptobox.com/affiliate?aff_id=11567793
KatFile - http://katfile.com/free290307.html
Upload.EE - https://www.upload.ee
Files FM - https://files.fm
9xUpload - http://bit.ly/9xUpload
BayFiles - https://bayfiles.com
BDUpload - https://bdupload.asia
MegaUpload - https://megaupload.nz
FileBuzz - https://file.bz
File Town - https://file.town
DropFile - https://dropfile.nl
UploadRun - https://upload.run
Earn4Files - http://bit.ly/Earn4Files
NippySpace - https://nippyspace.com
Chomikuj.pl - http://chomikuj.pl
uloz.to - https://ulozto.net
Datoid - https://datoid.cz/?p=842336
Datator - http://www.datator.cz
Euro Share - https://euroshare.eu/r/94464726
IcerBox - https://icerbox.com
Fire Get - http://fireget.com
Europe UP - https://www.europeup.com/free10324.html
Indishare - https://www.indishare.org/free104010.html
IntoUpload - https://intoupload.net/free5498.html
MexaShare - https://mx-sh.net
MexaShare - http://mexashare.com
Fex - https://fex.net
Files.FM - https://files.fm/l/V7gMHuHPhwG5
NovaFile - https://novafile.com
MegaUp - https://megaup.net/
Filedd - http://www.filedd.com
FlorenFile - https://florenfile.com/free136843.html
FreeDisc - https://freedisc.pl/
WDupload - https://www.wdupload.com/ref/242npfc40
AlfaFile - http://alfafile.net/user/signup/ARwq
File.AL - https://file.al/free192101.html
Send Anywhere - https://send-anywhere.com
WeTransfer - https://wetransfer.com
Amazon Drive - https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive
FileTransfer - https://filetransfer.io
SendGB - https://www.sendgb.com
Teknik - https://upload.teknik.io/
File Dropper - https://www.filedropper.com/
Tresorit Send - https://send.tresorit.com/
Hey Ants - https://www.heyants.com/
Uschovna - https://www.uschovna.cz/en/
CommonClip - https://commonclip.com/
Send Secure - https://sendsecure.io/
RapidRAR - https://rapidrar.com/
Texzfiles - https://tezfiles.com/
RapidU - https://rapidu.net/ref/8431459478/
File Boom - http://fboom.me
File Boom - http://fileboom.me
Publish 2 - https://publish2.me
Hot Link - https://hotlink.cc/free190476.html
Upload Cloud - https://www.uploadcloud.pro
Openload.cc - https://openload.cc
WorkUpload - https://workupload.com
MegaUpload - https://megaupload.is
Lets Upload - https://letsupload.cc
ForumFiles - https://forumfiles.com
Up4Ever - https://www.up-4ever.org/free631351.html
DropFile NL - https://dropfile.nl
MyFile - https://myfile.is
Fuskbugg - https://fuskbugg.se
Minfil - https://minfil.com
SubyShare - https://subyshare.com
UploadHaven - https://uploadhaven.com
HugeSharing - https://hugesharing.net/free49127.html
TakeFile - https://takefile.link
PreFiles - https://prefiles.com
Upload AC - https://upload.ac/free45898.html
UP-Load - https://up-load.io/free2835.html
XenDrive - https://xendrive.ru/
SendFile - http://sendfile.su/
File-Mix - https://file-mix.com/register/2168
Upload42 - http://upload42.com
Ausfile - https://ausfile.com/free23934.html
FileSpace - http://filespace.com/free173542.html
Xubster - https://xubster.com/free83063.html
DropSend - https://www.dropsend.com
Saber Cat - https://sabercathost.com/?aff=61b198c15054e8c5
OpenDrive - https://www.opendrive.com
FileBTC - https://filebtc.com/free9.html
Anonymous Files - https://anonymousfiles.io
File Convoy - http://www.fileconvoy.com
Pubg-File - http://pubg-file.si
XFileLoads - https://www.xfileloads.com/free731.html
MyFiles Online - http://myfiles.onl/free9742.html
TStorage - http://tstorage.info/free9017.html
TDR Link - https://tdr.link/free4.html
My Store - http://mystore.to
Filestore - http://filestore.to
Cloud Mail.ru - https://cloud.mail.ru
UppIT - http://uppit.com
Sendit Cloud - https://sendit.cloud
UploadHive - http://uploadhive.com/free978.html
Files Bomb - http://filesbomb.in/free3607.html
FileLoad - http://fileload.info/free5472.html
Dosya Yukle - https://dosya.co
LongFiles - http://longfiles.com
DZ4Up - https://dz4up1.com
World Uploads - https://worlduploads.com/free1065.html
SpicyFile - http://spicyfile.com/free72608.html
Gofile - https://gofile.io
Ska4ay - http://ska4ay.com/user/register/?ref=374841
MixDrop - https://mixdrop.co
MixShared - http://mixshared.com/free16475.html
Easy File Cloud - https://easyfilecloud.com/free98.html
Upload Bank - http://uploadbank.com/
Userupload - https://userupload.in/free1901.html
Mega4up - https://mega4up.com/free2683.html
MagUp - https://magup.tk
Hexupload - http://hexupload.net/free668.html
vShare.io - https://vshare.io
CyberDrop - https://cyberdrop.me
xFiles - https://xfiles.io/free1884.html
Upload Earn - https://upload-earn.com/ref/hacxx
RockFile - https://rockfile.co/aff100025
XShare.Club - https://xshare.club/?aff=af80f3804ac2d32b
Uguu - https://uguu.se
Fshare - https://www.fshare.vn
Temp Ninja - https://tmp.ninja
UsersDrive - https://usersdrive.com/free38470.html
CloudOza - https://drive.cloudoza.me
Firefox Send - https://send.firefox.com
Happy-Team - http://upload.happy-team.org:8080/upserver/index.php
Sapo Transfer - https://transfer.sapo.pt
UploadServ - http://uploadserv.com/free2607.html
WIP Files - http://wipfiles.net/free74812.html
Wupfile - https://wupfile.com/free120352.html
Hishare - http://hishare.net/free1684.html
Down4Files - http://down4files.com/free1658.html
UP VBIran - http://up.vbiran.ir/
Easyload - https://easyload.io
GoLoady - https://www.goloady.com/ref/g11lxnnn4g7d
Files HQCombo - https://files.hqcombo.com/
HulkLoad - http://hulkload.com/free45248.html
FileFox - https://filefox.cc
FileJoker - https://filejoker.net
Keep2Share - https://k2s.cc
Keep2Share - http://keep2share.cc
UploadCenter - https://uploadcenter.com
HxFile - https://hxfile.co/free105.html
XenDrive - https://xendrive.ru
vShare - https://vshare.is
Filecad - https://www.filecad.com/?aff=3f1632034017cb9d
SendThisFile - https://www.sendthisfile.com
MailBigFile - https://free.mailbigfile.com
Daofile - https://daofile.com
FileCargo - http://filecargo.com
FastStore - https://faststore.org/free211652.html
InCloudDrive - https://www.inclouddrive.com
FilePup - http://www.filepup.net
OzoFiles - https://ozofiles.com/free6258.html
Worldbytez - https://worldbytez.com
EgyUpload - https://egyupload.com/free1736.html
Filetut - http://asmfile.com/free19337.html
DFile - https://dfile.space
RarLoad - http://rarload.com
RarLink - https://www.rarlink.com/free276.html
LetsUpload - https://letsupload.co
Forex Makers - http://www.forex-makers.com/uploader/index.php
Milordftp - http://www.milordftp.com.ar/sube/index.php
Upload Center - https://www.babup.com/
ZipFile - https://zipfile.cc/free1203.html
MiCloudFiles - http://micloudfiles.com/free2044.html
FileSharing24 - https://filesharing24.com
Box - https://www.box.com/file-sharing
ZipCloud - https://magup.tk/
Daily Uploads - https://dailyuploads.net/free123658.html
UpFile - https://upfile.co.il
Lil File - https://lilfile.com/
File4Net - https://www.file4.net/register?ref=9DY
Catbox - https://catbox.moe/
Dosya - https://dosya.pro
FileCloud - https://filecloud.me
Files.PW - https://files.pw/free39588.html
Uploading VN - https://uploading.vn/free142.html
FileAuth - https://fileauth.me
Sql.gg - https://sql.gg
ZipEver - https://zipever.com
Uplovd - https://uplovd.com
File Chick - http://filechick.com
Anon City - https://anon.city
Speed Down - https://speed-down.org/free17236.html
Send - https://send.cm
xFileSharing - https://xfilesharing.com
Uppom - http://uppom.live
Uptocloud - https://uptocloud.co/free455.html
MixDrop - http://mixdrop.to/
UploadHUB - https://uploadhub.io/free184.html
Pixel Drain - https://pixeldrain.com
WD Filehosting - https://wdho.ru
FileLeaks - https://fileleaks.com
PicoFile - http://picofile.com
UniBytes - http://www.unibytes.com
Filebin - https://filebin.net
Easyupload - https://easyupload.io/
FastDrive - https://fastdrive.io/
Nelion - https://nelion.me/free4372.html
NippyFile - https://nippyfile.com/
UploaDEV - https://uploadev.org/free5626.html
Treasure Cloud Storage - http://bit.ly/Treasure-cloud
FileUp - https://fileup.in
CloudFile - https://cloudfile.cc/free2369.html
FastBit.cc - https://fastbit.cc/
Booxier - https://booxier.com/free3.html
FastFile - https://fastfile.cc/free626.html
FileNetwork - http://filenetwork.com/free23.html
Google Drive - https://drive.google.com
FileRocker - https://filerocker.com/free2155.html
FileSuper - http://filesuper.com/free25245.html
Jolin File - http://jolinfile.net/free12697.html
SecureDatabit - https://www.securedatabit.com/free11.html
The7Sky - http://the7sky.info/free1199.html
UploadMaza - https://uploadmaza.com/free237.html
UploadMoon - https://uploadmoon.com/free412.html
XFileSharing - http://xomshare.com/free2.html
ZoFile - http://zofile.com/free834.html
Bashupload - https://bashupload.com
Transfer - http://transfer.sh
UploadBaz - https://uploadbaz.me/free7107.html
VeryFiles - https://veryfiles.com/free6431.html
FileEver - http://fileever.net/
XFileSharing - https://stablestore.org/free7.html
FlashBit - https://flashbit.cc/free3029.html
Desiupload - https://desiupload.co/free4544.html
ChiliUpload - https://chiliupload.com/free7.html
Hot4Share - https://hot4share.com/free1451.html
FilesABC - http://filesabc.com/free6.html
Filesona - https://filesona.com/free29.html
UploadBoy - https://uploadboy.com/free2716171.html
Files Rack - https://filesrack.com/free13.html
HareFile - http://harefile.com/free11198.html
IsUpload - http://isupload.com/free342.html
OnUploads - https://onuploads.com/free4195.html
RankUploads - https://rankuploads.com/
Upload 24x7 - https://upload24x7.com/free830.html
PandaFiles - https://pandafiles.com/free12167.html
Pron - http://pron.com/free1945.html
UploadRaja - https://uploadraja.com/free498.html
MultCloud - https://www.multcloud.com//inviteFriendsSign.html?inviteId=501c9154c5c548ae813cf41b11de52c7
WrzucajPliki - https://wrzucajpliki.pl/free17703.html
MaxUploads - https://maxuploads.net/free64.html
Wedos Disk - https://www.wedos.com/wedos-disk?ap=fmElpJ
pCloud - https://e.pcloud.com/#page=register&invite=9xNXZcRxG7y

ShareLink - http://www.sharelink.li/
Uploads are disabled for your user type

Uploaded.to - http://bit.ly/2FYwCYv
Uploaded.net - http://bit.ly/2FYwCYv
Service is paying but they throtle the connection which makes it almost impossible to download big files without paying.

Media1Fire - http://bit.ly/Media1Fire
404 page not found. The service is not online.

[SCAMMER] File-Up - http://bit.ly/File_Up
Minimum Payout $1. After admin made changes in the site and domain all profits were taken away and not paying. When the admin was paying, the payments got a long delay. Thanks.

[SCAMMER] FileTitle - https://filetitle.com/free1166.html / https://filezip.cc/free1166.html
100% scammer. The admin pump the stats with referral earnings to make users purchase premium. When the minimum is reach the accounts are suspended.

SakuraFile - http://sakurafile.com/free39731.html
Uploads are disabled.

RapidShare - https://rapidshare.nu
Redirecting to anonfiles.com

UploadShip - https://www.uploadship.com/?aff=1c693803f99cab77
The service has been closed.

FileCloud - https://filecloud.to/
Registration disabled

UploadHub - https://uploadhub.ws/
Registration disabled

MTBox - https://www.mtbox.cc/
1x 404 Cloudflare is unable to connect to server.

My Sharing - https://mysharing.cc/
XFileSharing default template and require premium to upload.

Storex - https://storex.cc/
Unable to register, captcha is broken.

VipFile - https://vipfile.cc/
Uploads are disabled for your user type.

ChayFile - http://www.chayfile.com/
Unable to register, registration form doesn't exist.

AndroidFileHost - https://androidfilehost.com/
Unable to upload even after registering.

OBOOM - https://www.oboom.com
For some time showing Cloudflare error 522. Unable to connect.

ModsFile - http://modsfile.com/
Unable to register, captcha error.

Mega.nz - https://mega.nz/aff=T3ee3mdvwJc
The account was terminated due to a breach of MEGA's Terms of Service.

DropGalaxy - https://dropgalaxy.com/free3269.html
When the profit started rolling in my account was banned by administrator

BRupload - https://www.brupload.net/free66872.html / https://brfiles.com/
Wants a new account and took my existing profits.

Gett - https://ge.tt
404, DNS address could not be found.

RGhost - http://rgho.st
No longer a file hosting service.

BirdLoad - https://birdload.com
No longer a file hosting service.

TooFile - https://www.toofile.com/free91.html
The domain is parked.

Racaty - https://racaty.com/free89980.html
Error 522, Unable to connect to the server.
Thanks bro

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