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  1. hacxx

    [REPOST] Facebook 533 Million Leak (Facebook User Info) [FileLox 24/05/2021]

    Gizli metin: Gizli metni görüntülemek için yeterli haklara sahip değilsiniz. Forum adresimizi ziyaret edin![/REPLYANDTHANKS]
  2. hacxx

    BestChange - Exchange your money with the best rates

    Currently, there are countless internet currency exchangers on the internet. If you do not want to waste your time on monitoring the best rates or some exchange parameter that you need, I recommend the exchanger monitoring site BestChange, that contains a permanent online overview with over 250...
  3. hacxx

    Top File Hosting Services for 2021 - Updated 03/07/2021

    Updated: 03/07/2021 Recomended: Nitroflare - http://bit.ly/nitroflarecom FileFactory - http://bit.ly/2WuFM41 Rapidgator - https://bit.ly/rapidgatorcom UploadGIG - https://uploadgig.com/premium/index/323338333036 Oxy.Cloud - https://app.oxy.cloud/invite/24711 Upload RAR -...
  4. hacxx

    Lazybucks - Earn Real Cash With your Facebook Account

    Connect your Facebook account with professional marketers and start making real money with minimum effort. LazyBucks Requirements: - You must be active, real FB at least 2 years old and 100 friends minimum. - You must never used your Facebook Ad Account / Business Account - You must be located...
  5. hacxx

    MobiFriends Database leaked April 2020 - Free Download

    The downloadable file is a text file.
  6. hacxx

    Hacxx Free IPTV - Get access to more than 10000+ publicly available IPTV channels

    Watch Online: (Open this link with VLC Player or Kodi) http://bit.ly/Hacxx-Free-IPTV How to: 1 - Download VLC Player or install Kodi 2 - Open the link above as a stream
  7. hacxx

    REvil Ransomware RSS Client for Clearnet - Free Download

    - A RSS Client for Clearnet for the onion/darkweb leaks page of REvil Ransomware Download: https://oxy.st/d/ciXd http://gigapeta.com/dl/9783830a50dfe0 https://ddownload.com/jlpcdtpyijlk/REvil_Ransomware_RSS_Client_for_Clearnet.rar Virus Report: The file is a plain html page.
  8. hacxx

    Avast.com Database hacked 26 May 2014 and leaked March 2016 - Free Download

    In May 2014, the Avast anti-virus forum was hacked and 423k member records were exposed. The database was only made publicly available two years later on March 2016. The Simple Machines Based forum included usernames, emails and password hashes. Breach date: 26 May 2014 Leaked: March 2016...
  9. hacxx

    MobiFriends Database leaked April 2020 - Free Download

    In April 2020 the online friend match website/app MobiFriends was breached leading to 3.6 Million users data been leaked. Compromised data: Usernames, Passwords, Email Addresses, Dates of Birth, Gender, Website Activity, Mobile Numbers Note: For this verification i used my GrepWin tool to...
  10. hacxx

    Hacxx Underground - Cryptocurrency Table 4

    I didn't understand what you just said. If you follow the links available in the file you will be making more than $100 with free coins in 4 to 6 months period by only understanding why the coin was build and completing the tutorials. It takes less than 5 minutes per tutorial and you can...
  11. hacxx

    Top Video paying sites (2021) - Updated: 19/06/2021

    This is a list of video sites where a user can upload videos and make money with them. VideoShare - https://vshare.eu/free17585.html FlashX - https://www.flashx.tv/free248264.html Vidoza - https://vidoza.net/reg100017.html WolfStream - https://wolfstream.tv/reg100.html YouWatch -...
  12. hacxx

    How to remove bios password on acer laptop - clnpwd + HP USB Disk Storage Format tool + Boot files

    Clnpwd + HP USB Disk Storage Format tool + Boot files Download http://eunsetee.com/hIzr/clnpwd.zip Download 2: http://nitroflare.com/view/277B8F88B08BAFA/clnpwd.zip Download 3: http://www.filefactory.com/file/16fgx9cnp4bb/clnpwd.zip
  13. hacxx

    Hacxx Underground - Cryptocurrency Table 4

    The archive is a website/table showing the best crypto to invest your time or money. There is free/giveaway crypto and paid crypto. Download: https://nitro.download/view/92A92713C1DC5FA/Hacxx_Underground_-_Cryptocurrency_Table_4.rar
  14. hacxx

    Preview Hacxx Fast Combo Grabber v2.4 (Full Version)

    The image above is a demonstration of Hacxx Fast Combo Grabber v2.4 (Full Version), it can be a little boring but with one or two hours of your time a user can download 50 to 100 private combos. With private combos i mean combos that aren't available in public places. The app uses multiple...
  15. hacxx

    Hacxx Anonymous Torrent Search V4 - Search for torrents directly or proxified

    Hacxx Anonymous Torrent Search is a program that searches on popular torrent sites for your magnet or torrent. The advantage of this program is the power to access the torrent directly or using a proxy. Very useful if your ISP is blocking access. Download...
  16. hacxx

    [FOR BEGINNERS] How to crack any account with OpenBullet - Updated: 30/03/2021

    The following is a step by step tutorial followed by gifs. It also includes OpenBullet 1.0.0 and Configs. Download OpenBullet 1.0.0 https://filecrypt.cc/Container/48F3D1D9A5.html https://ddownload.com/topifah713fd/OpenBullet1.0.0.rar Download Configs...
  17. hacxx

    Hacxx Youtube 2 MP3 Downloader V3 - Search and download MP3 fast and easy

    This little program gives the user the power to search for artists or tracks and provides with a direct MP3 link. Download: https://oxy.name/d/NIRd https://nitro.download/view/8EDCA8B4FA6A8CD/Hacxx_Youtube_2_MP3_Downloader_V3.rar Virustotal: The file is in plain text.
  18. hacxx

    Tor Link list Vault 2021 - The biggest onion list of addresses

    Tor Link list Vault 2021 is a commercial program that provides links to onion addresses. The links are collected from the web and compiled into a encoded vault. Due to the amount of views i have password protect the paste. PM me for password. The link to access is: Paste url...
  19. hacxx

    JavaScript Teacher V3 - Learn Javascript with examples

    This is a preview release... Javascript Teacher V3 is a program that teach javascript with examples. You can learn javascript by copying the examples to notepad and changing the source to test and learn. All you have to do is select what you want to learn and what example you want to use and...
  20. hacxx

    HTML and Javascript Teacher - Examples in HTML and Javascript

    Examples in HTML and Javascript. HTML Teacher V3 https://nitro.download/view/757F40A8E5C900E/HTML_Teacher_V3.rar Javascript Teacher V1 https://nitro.download/view/6EDDE0F72838C25/Javascript_Teacher.rar
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Hack Forum
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